MOBILITY IN BULGARIA (VIDIN), 01.05.2016 – 07.05.2016

In the first days of May our students participated in the mobility to Vidin in Bulgaria.
In the trip took part: Oliwia Skowrońska (1f), Wiktoria Jurzyk (1f), Karolina Ciastkowska (1f), Szymon Księżyk (1b) and Aleksandra Skiba (3b). Below, there are fragments that describe our trip:

from Monday 03.05.2016

On Monday we arrived to school at 8:00 o clock.
We had the welcome in the SLAVEYKOV HALL and the press conference at 8:00-9:00 o’ clock.
Then we went around the school and saw an exhibition of students’ drawings and a group photo in front of their school at 9:00-10:00.
At 10:00 o’clock we had six workshops: arranging of the puzzles, embroidering, decoding and writing messages in Morse code, making medallions of clay, writing messages with ink and nib, making a picture dictionary with symbols from the cave and the embroidery.
At 13:00-14:00 we had lunch in the restaurant „MILANOV’S HOUSE”.
Then at 14:15 we went to visit the town Church „ST.DIMITAR”.
We wanted to go to another place but it was raining and we went to the hotel with teachers and we were waiting for people from Bulgaria.
The day was really funny. (Olwia Skowrońska, 1f)

from Tuesday 04.05.2016
On Wednesday in the morning we wanted to go to Baba Vida, but we didn’t go there because it was raining all the time. We went there on Thursday and it was great. In the morning we didn’t do anything and at half past twelve we had dinner in a restaurant by the river Dunaj. After lunch we had free time, so me and my friends from Poland and Bulgaria went to the shopping center. They have a small shopping center but great. In the evening everyone from Erasmus went to the theatre to see what our friend from Bulgaria prepared for us. It was fantastic. They were dancing , singing and doing acrobatics. I liked this day so much. (Wiktoria Jurzyk, 1f)

from Wednesday 05.05.2616

The fifth day of our trip was very interesting. The school day was connected with doing sport. Poland participated in the making hula hoop, hopscotch, basketball and kite flying. Although our country didn’t win any awards, it was fun for us. Then we went to visit a fortress-Baba Vida. There were beautiful ruins on the Danube River. Then we had free time. At 19.00 we all went to the bar to a disco. We loved it and we all had fun. (Karolina Ciastkowska, 1f)

Thanks to this mobility we know Bulgaria better. We have met new friends, visited interesting places, we got to know the local customs associated with Easter and the day of St. Gregory. We are happy that we could be in Bulgaria.

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